Newly Designed Positioning Stand For Neuropixels Probes.
Readjust the approach angle without losing the targed area
InVivo brain accessibility new defined: Reach every coordinate of the mouse brain atlas and readjust the tissue entry angles of your probe in one simple twist at the manipulator stand while keeping the target destination stable
Double-sided and overhang (>90°) manipulator mount as well as offset-adapter usage provide a flexible toolset for delicate recordings in close proximity.
Overcome proximity issue: To master recordings in tightly connected brain regions (e.g. S1 and S2 cortex) we developed a variety of solutions: 1) A double-sided mount for two individually adjustable manipulator arms per stand, 2) an offset adapter offers the possibility to place electrodes on top of each other while controlled by separate arms.
Enhanced probe entry angle: The extended manipulator stand with an angle of up to 120° offers you an easy way to create less lesion in the hemisphere of interest by varying the positioning from the probe from one hemisphere to the other. Additonally, this provides one more method to reach tightly conncted areas.
Set the heigth according to your needs or exchange the tabel for a behavioral setup like the LN treadmill
Platform to individually position the animal
Electrophysiological application in behavioral assays (LN treatmill)
Fast, Easy Adaptation: Approved, modular LN design for flexible and efficient changes of configurations and recording situation e.g. varying the number of probes or changing from a fixation frame on a table to a behavioral setup like the LN treadmill, jetballs, etc.
Precision Control: Compatible with the Mini Compact micromanipulator and the SM10 control unit for the best balance of stability and precision. The fast exchange system allows easy pre-positioning by using the adjustable stop.
Stand equipped with headstage and fast exchange rail
All angles are adjustable with scale for best reproducible results
Work with up to 9 Neuropixels probes
Multifunctional with increased usability: Adding headstage adapters the system can be transformed for other elctrophysiolgical applications. Our tension blockers offer you additional usage of your own rods and probe holders.
9+ Neuropixels probes can be mounted
Mini Compact InVivo
Our new Mini Compact InVivo - that’s what we call flexibility